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Letter From The Editors

Dear Reader,


CineJournal is BACK! The Xi Chapter at the University of Miami is proud to announce the re-issuing of our CineJournal, which has been on pause since before the pandemic. Since then, we’ve seen major cultural shifts in the entertainment industry: the streaming boom, the industry strikes, and now the rise of AI in creative spaces. Our constant learning and adaptability (wink wink) as young entertainment professionals has yet to be conflicted with, however. We continually dedicate ourselves to our crafts, and have created lasting friendships and partnerships in the process. We’ve done a lot this semester, and we’re excited to share it with you.


In this issue, you’ll find an array of articles written by our members. Reviews, rankings, opinion essays, news, trends, character analyses...anything and everything related to film that our members find perspective in.


More articles are about our Xi Chapter as a community. They list out important events and traditions we’ve held this semester, including our Good-to-Great retreat, White Carnation, philanthropy week, and TROT process and newly initiated members. The last few highlight what members are up to, both in and out of DKA. We’re a talented and diverse bunch, and we hold ourselves highly in anything we’re apart of.


On behalf of the editorial team, we want to give thanks to everyone who’s contributed to the issue. All together, the personality and expression of our chapter is unlike any other. We hope the readers see it just as much as we do.


With Love,

Zoe Arscott

Jordelle Beja

Paula Romanowski

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